Prof. Dr. H. Hebbel
Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung und Datenverarbeitung


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Practical optimisation issues

Turned the original problem into a response surface problem to use gradient based search algorithms.
But: Multiple local optima of different heights may occur! (Often ignored in literature!)
dim(X) > 1, then manyfolds can occur as regions of optimum desirability.
Factor space can even fall apart in disjunct regions of non-zero desirability.
Simple, but expensive way out: performing a grid search in factor space. (used in STAVEX)
Unimodality has to be assured before performing the optimisation step.

Desirability of type (-1, 0, 0.5, 1, 1), Y= -X2 +1, plotted against X


Desirability of type (-1, 0, 4, 0.5, 0.5), Y = X12 + X22, plotted against factor space.


Dipl.-Stat. Detlef Steuer

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