Prof. Dr. H. Hebbel
Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung und Datenverarbeitung


Next: Mathematical concepts II Up: Statistical aspects of Multi-Criteria-Optimisation Previous: Objective of "statistical" MCO

Mathematical concepts I

Domination "The optimistic approach to MCO"
Try to find the best in all aspects product

Def: Domination in product space
P1 dominates P2 ( P1 >> P2), if $Y_{i1} \geq Y_{i2},
\, i = 1, 2, \ldots, Z$ and Yj1 > Yj2 for one $1 \leq j \leq Z$.

Def: Domination in factor space
$\bf {X}_{1}$ and $\bf {X}_2$ which result in products $P_i := E(P(X_{i})), \; i=1,2$.
$\bf {X}_{1}$ dominates $\bf {X}_2$ ( ${\bf X}_1 >> {\bf X}_2$), if P1 >> P2.

Idea: ${\bf X}_{opt}$ dominates complete factor-space.

This is formally nice and mathematically clean, but:

There may not exist a dominating object!

Dipl.-Stat. Detlef Steuer

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